What makes the Crown Victoria the best car ever?

People have commented on why this car is the best; here are a few comments that people shared on the social media platform Reddit.

For me, it’s just such an iconic and influential across American culture. It just feels like it’s apart of pop culture due to how many movies (hood and bad) it has been in and just a staple of regular American life due to how many were produced and how widely they were used.

Also (mine is a older LTD model) they ride very smooth and are amazing cruising cars. Pretty practical as well due to how massive the trunk is. Also, not too horrible to work on either (mine can be frustrating because there is little documentation I can find on how to do stuff). They aren’t fast by any means, but it’s nice to see people heads turn. Overall, very enjoyable and iconic cars.


I will say the 1.3 million mile 2003 crown vic is the reason why. The 03 had it’s fair share of issues, yet this one went all those miles with the original tranny and engine. The 06+ were designed better in most aspects, and i can’t wait to see a million mile 06+ down the road, hopefully it’s mine. Repairs are easy, parts are cheap, and they are safe. I put maybe $900 in repairs total in 2 vics over 140,000 miles, not sure any other car could say the same for the price they go for.


I have endless respect for them. Growing up my friend had 3 back to back. We went cross country in one, we took another one to Death Valley. In the latter trip we kept bottoming out in this knarly dirt road, 2 of us would cringe, but our buddy who owned it assured us it’s fine, and it was. Think was unstoppable. We actually saved a group of guys on their 2nd flat in their brand new 4×4.



Well basically it’s a reliable, safe to ride, cheap parts, and can last forever (if maintenance is maintained). These cars are very cheap around 2k to 4k ( got mine for $2500) for a somewhat unbeatable sohc 2valve 4.6 engine is unbeaten other then gas mileage which I get 18 city. The transmissions are very sturdy if it wasn’t beaten to death they can last a decent time. You get a huge 17 foot four door sedan with a small truck bed trunk. It’s a very simple car that will get u to your destination and back with literally no issue whatsoever. These cars are very popular and in hundreds if not thousands of movies and shows for a reason. And you still see a whole lot of them on the road too. And I think they are a part of police history too.


Mine is not a crown vic but a grand marquis

I agree with most of the comments, and I’ll add the all kind of stories the car brings up when you get someone else on the car, specially older people, they always talk about a boss, a friend or a relative that had one, or they remember when they got married and got taken to the church in one.

Here in Mexico, until the 90s, a grand marquis was the most luxury car you could get from a dealership here, so they were very iconic.

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